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I will support you on your way in life changing situations, management of chronic illness, achievement of goals and staying grounded in the present through body-mind oriented therapy and coaching.

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About Me

After many years of working in the private sector (in the domain of human resources, public relations) and in the public sector (in the domain of communication networks and public health) I am now working as an independent sophrology practitioner and life coach. After a two-year study, in 2016 I obtained the diploma „Synthesis of relaxation techniques and sophrology“ from the University of St. Etienne, France. My thesis focused on the benefits of sophrology in the management of chronic pain and this topic remains in the centre of my attention and my specialisation.

In 2021 I obtained a certification in Life Coaching at Business Coaching College, Bratislava, Slovakia. Throughout my career I volunteered in several working groups that were designed to reflect on improving working processes and consequently contribute to the well-being of employees. I believe that each of us is here for a purpose and no matter the number of obstacles in life, we can live fully the present moment.

I can guide you through difficult situations such as changing of career, problems in relationships, chronic illness, grief, communication problems, management of stress, sleeping problems, preparation for exams, in the process of accepting the change in your life etc.



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Sophrology is a method that uses mind - body connection in order to install harmony and well-being in one´s life and to develop conscious living. It includes physical and mental exercises that are practiced throughout several sessions aiming at integration of these into client’s daily life. Even though the body is in the centre of attention these days (in the press we find many articles about nutrition, weight loss, exercise routine; on social media the main focus is on body perfection etc.) we are rarely fully connected to our bodies. One of the benefits of sophrology is re-appropriation of the sensations, the perception of the body, its energy but also the capability to recognise the body as it is in the contrast to the body as we imagine it to be. In short, re-connection to our body. It will help you to reduce psychosomatic reactions. Sophrology helps to direct positive actions towards consciousness either in the form of images, words or sensations thus forming a positive dynamic in the whole human being.

All techniques begin with basic „sophronisation“, a state of deep relaxation, between being awake and being asleep that is induced by the therapist´s slow and monotonous voice.

Sophrology was founded in 1960´s by a psychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo and is influenced by different practices derived from yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, Japanese Zen but also hypnosis and autogenic training by Schultz.


In which areas it can help: preparation for exams, preparation for sports competitions, management of sleeping problems, chronic pain, stress, relational problems, bodily and/or emotional tensions.


For whom? Children from the age of 8, adults.

In case you are dealing with mental health conditions, such as depression or personality disorder, it is advisable that a psychologist or a psychiatrist approves your sophrology sessions.

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Life Coaching

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Coaching is a supportive and encouraging work over personal and career challenges of a client with the aim to gain improvement in a specific area of life. With the help of life coaching, you will explore your own inner resources to achieve your goals, behavioural change, to shift perspective and overall self-improvement. Similarly, as in sophrology we will look together for positive actions. This does not mean we will try to supress negative feelings or to avoid less pleasurable moments in life. In addition, we can identify the obstacles that hold you back and set strategies to overcome them.


Which areas can be addressed: Life coaching can help you to improve various skills (communication skills, presentation skills etc.), to improve focus, to deal with grief, to improve resilience, to deal with relational issues, manage stress and build healthy habits, improve mental fitness, leadership, nutrition habits, improve team work, decision-making skills etc.


For whom? Young adults (e.g., when navigating their career path, facing stressful situations), adults.

Life coaching can focus on mental fitness; however, it is not a form of therapy. In coaching, we do not explore your past, childhood trauma, nor do we set a diagnosis and therapeutic plan. In case you are struggling with mental health issues, please do contact a psychologist in the first place. Once in therapy, it is not excluded we could work together on specific goals, such as work-life balance issues, setting own boundaries, boosting self-confidence etc.

Life coaching is also not mentoring, you will not receive direct answers as what and how you should proceed in your field of expertise or for example what is the best way to raise children.

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Chronic Pain

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Pain is sensorially and emotionally unpleasant experience to the tissue damage.

Pain that lasts for more than 3 months is considered to be chronic. There might be a tissular damage causing the pain, but pain can be present even in the absence of anatomically visible changes such as in fibromyalgia. Chronic pain is a complex phenomenon since it not only reflects the present suffering but often goes back to the past - what pain we have already endured, how have we been helped, what were the circumstances? In addition, it projects us into the future – will it ever disappear, what influence will it have on my private, professional life, what limits do I need to accept? etc. The most important fact is that any pain is real.

Chronic pain has four components: sensation, emotion, interpretation and behaviour. There is underlying psychological distress that often comes hand in hand with the significance of the diagnosis (I have a serious condition, I am too young for this, the operation will not help, I have a terminal condition). Chronic pain attacks our integrity and, in a way, separates us from the others - healthy colleagues, healthy friends or a spouse who cannot fully grasp our suffering.

As it is the case in western medicine – the management of chronic pain relies mostly on medication, surgery intervention and physiotherapy. These approaches are valid and, in many cases, helpful, although they might not be sufficient. The patient is not looked at holistically, their personal struggles are often neglected. Moreover, the patients are also not encouraged enough to take an active part in the healing process, as if once the sufferer you are bound to be the one on whom the other - doctor, physiotherapist should perform the cure. However, we all have inner resources that help us to navigate through any illness.

We can address all four above-mentioned components of pain either by techniques learned in sophrology sessions or by setting new goals, approaches, and strategies in coaching. We can determine the best approach together that will largely depend on your needs, current state of physical and mental well-being, resources you may already be using etc.


My personal experience of chronic pain led me to believe that it is possible to work with it and that it is also possible to participate in many activities and enjoy happy moments in life. Nevertheless, it requires your commitment, for it is with small everyday steps that we achieve the best results. Please do not hesitate to contact me for further advice.

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High sensitivity: family counselling and individual work

15-20% of people are highly sensitive, their nervous system is extremely good in registering tiny nuances (non-verbal language, changes in appearance, smell, noise - simply notice more).

  • The brain of highly sensitive people (HSP) processes information more thoroughly and therefore they think more.

  • HSP have strong emotions - both positive and negative.

  • HSP are more affected by pain, stimulants, medication and are prone to allergies.

  • HSP are very empathetic, kind, upset by injustice or cruelty. They can be negatively impacted by excessive lights, warmth or cold, loud environments or a lot of people around them.

Because of all above mentioned they get more tired than other people, they can get
irritated, feel overwhelmed, stressed out, not understood, not appreciated, not loved
enough. They may see their surrounding persons as the cause of these subjective
perceptions which leads to conflicts.

What do we work on during the sessions:
Learning to listen to the bodily sensations – this helps to anticipate and correct
certain expectations, behaviour and reactions.

Expression and acceptance of all emotions – this helps to be ok with rejection,
criticism, mistakes, loss.

Behavioural adjustments in concrete situations - this helps to look at situations and
problems from larger perspective.

Learning to let go – this helps to accept that sometimes we do not have control and it is ok, consequently it helps with anxiety or panic attacks.


15 - 20 minute free information call

Sophrology - 50 minute sessions - 75 EUR

Children and students up to 26 years old - 50 EUR

Life Coaching - 1 hour sessions - 100 EUR

Children and students up to 26 years old - 70 EUR

Languages spoken - FR, EN, SK
Company request: please contact me by email

For more details please contact:


00352 621 69 30 23

MAMER, Luxembourg

Alexandra Barancova - Body-Mind Therapy and Life coaching

©2022 by Alexandra Barancova - Life Coach and Body-Mind Therapist.

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